Kat Kass
How would you describe your teaching style in three words?
Grounding - Centering - Enlivening
How do you help students overcome challenges in their practice?
First I listen to the challenge and make sure I understand the goal.
Commonly I guide them back to this moment. Away from the past or future where the student might be comparing themselves to. Help them acknowledge their successes and remind them that tiny changes over time, make a big difference. Consistency and self compassion with the process will inevitably produce progress.
If it's a physical challenge/a pose or stretch they want to achieve, I often guide the student to visualize themselves achieving the desired asana a few times before trying again. And If applicable, doing it with eyes closed to avoid their own perceived limitations.
What do you hope students take away from your classes?
I hope students notice and enjoy the benefits of becoming more self-aware, more still and more connected.
What’s your favorite song or playlist for a yoga session, and why?
My playlists for a yoga session can vary re genre but almost always include all instrumental music. Music without lyrics, in my opinion, gives more room to focus on, and fully embody, breath with movement in a fulfilling and deeply healing way.
A favorite quote or mantra that inspires you?
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”